Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Note-Taking and Investigations

After a mini-lesson about note-taking, students dove back into their books about simple machines to practice the note-taking skills addressed in the lesson.  There were also several groups still finishing up the lever investigation from yesterday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Read to Succeed Reminder

Room 302 is participating in an exciting program that encourages students to read for fun.  Read to Succeed is a free program sponsored by Six Flags Theme Parks.  Every student who completes six hours of recreational reading by Friday, February 24, 2017 is eligible for a free admission ticket. Please note that each student is only able to earn one ticket.

Student Reading Logs were sent home with students Friday, November 4.  Please have your student record their reading and return the completed and initialed log to school by Friday, February 24.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Reading!

Research Continues

After completing a flash draft about simple machines during writing workshop this morning, students realized that they had some 'holes' in their writing and needed to do more research.  So, this afternoon, students went back to the 'workbench' and used both print and digital resources to continue their research

Simple Machines Investigation

Scientists in room 302 began an investigation about levers today.  After a mini-lesson about reading like a scientist, they worked in pairs to complete the investigation, gathering data about first class, second class, and third class levers.  We will analyze the data tomorrow and determine which lever was the most effective at lifting a load.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Theatrics

What better way to ease back into the school routine than with a little theatrics?  The actors in room 302 put their performing skills into action this afternoon.  Each student received several cards with scenarios about Thanksgiving dinner to perform.  As each student finished acting out his or her card, the student with the next card started acting.  Students had to actively listen so that they knew when it was their turn to perform.  Encore!

Rain, Rain, Go Away

We were so close to making it outside for recess today.  Just as we started walking down the hall with our jackets on, it started to rain.  We used the indoor recess time to catch up on some work and have some iPad free time.

Welcome Back

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone back at school at 8:25 today.  Be ready to learn!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Warm Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you are enjoying the long holiday weekend.  I look forward to seeing all of my room 302 family back at school on Monday morning ready to learn.
Mrs. Wilke

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Family Game Night

Thank you to everyone who attended Family Game Night.  It was a great kick-off to the long holiday weekend.  I should probably spend some time over the next 5 days brushing up on my Jenga skills since I seem to have toppled the tower more than anyone.  Also, I can't wait to hear Noah tell us all about the fun he is having at home playing the new game that he won at Family Game Night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


We practiced using context clues to determine word meaning and determining the meaning of idioms while playing a game of Thanksgiving Bump this afternoon.


The students in room 302 were so excited to finish our Thanksgiving project today.  We carefully cut out all twelve of our completed circles, used a straight edge to fold them, and then glued them together to make a dodecahedron.  Students learned that a dodecahedron is a polyhedron with twelve flat faces.  We used reading, writing, and math skills to complete this project.  Teamwork and grit was also needed for this project.  Once again, our team worked together and encouraged each other to "get their jungle tiger on!"

Read In

This afternoon, the entire school went into the hallways to read as part of our school-wide incentive.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Meal Planning

The meal planners in room 302 planned a Thanksgiving meal today.  They used grocery store ads to find the best prices and their math skills to calculate the total cost of the meal.  They quickly realized just how much work and money is involved in planning a meal!